Sunday, December 31, 2006

Snowshoe Mountain West Virginia

We made it out to Snowshoe Mountain to start stretching our ski legs. Snowshoe is a fun resort with plenty to do. The first picture was the view from our hotel room and the second is of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) in West Bank, West Virginia. The weather was a little warm and the holidays are always crowded anywhere. Looking forward to going back when Snowshoe is less crowded and has a little more snow :)

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Boxbe - Public Forwarding Email & Paid Access

Do you wish it was possible to post your email address to your blog or personal page without having to deal with all the spam that will sure to follow? Also, would you like to be paid by merchants to send you advertisements? Well this is Boxbe's goal with challenge response emails and pay to forward emails. I like the idea of having an email to hand out and be able to choose who I receive emails from. So try it out and maybe you'll make some $$$ along with it...

You can reach me at

Monday, December 18, 2006

Browns Ravens Game in Baltimore

I was able to check out the Cleveland Browns the other day against the Baltimore Ravens. Its been a couple years since I've been able to catch a Browns game. It only took a couple years to figure out I need to buy my tickets the summer before the season starts... Next time, see if we can get some seats a little closer to the action :)

Saturday, December 16, 2006

O to be an eBay Millionaire some day...

Well, not exactly millionaires at this yet... But, we keep trying... This Christmas season looks like the Wii is the big winner! Our Wii auction got over 854 on the visitor counter. The PS3, not so much :) Elmo was so so... Still fun to eBay and watch the auctions...

Saturday, December 02, 2006

My eBay PS3 Buy It Now

Jeannie and I were lucky to find a PS3 bundle for the holiday season. And yes, we have an eBay auction going for the bundle. Actually it was Jeannie's luck that got us the system. It is a cool setup with a blu-ray player, hard to give up for eBay... Maybe we'll pick one up later on, but for right know we're hooked on Xbox 360's Gears of War. Hopefully we can find a buyer for our eBay PS3 auction :)

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Friday, November 24, 2006

My First Trip Door Busting on Black Friday

We thought we'd check out the local Best Buy in Cleveland for some Black Friday door busters. We had our eye on a few Xbox games and some Ipod speakers.

What I couldn't believe is 1.) I got up at 4:30 a.m. and 2.) the hundreds of other people already in line!? The line almost wrapped around the entire store!!!

Was fun to run in with the others for what everyone wanted and the Best Buy I was at had a friendly staff on hand, ready to help locate what I was looking for. It was fun and worth it, at least for some Xbox games and Ipod speakers :)

some pics I took inline with my camera phone...

Saturday, November 18, 2006

My Latest Myspace Pictures

Myspace has this little toy widget to see my latest pics on Myspace...

Sunday, November 05, 2006

2006 ADA Walk Fundraising

I wanted to send out a thank you for everyone's support and helping me raise $250 for the ADA 2006 Walk. Which brings my total to $485 for the ADA this year between the 2006 walk and ride. Below is a link to my picasa web album for a couple pictures taken at the event. The walk started in front of the Capital for some good pictures. It was a nice walk and look forward to next year.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Air Force Memorial Dedication Weekend

Below is a link to my album of pictures taken at the USAF Memorial Dedication ceremonies on opening weekend. The album cover picture is of the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds flying over. Click on the picture below to get to my online album.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Now my Xbox 360 has a blog about me...

Apparently my Xbox has a blog & he/she doesn't seem to happy with my game play or lack of... :)

Check out my Xbox's blog here.

Friday, September 08, 2006

my new myspace page

I decided it was time to jump on the band wagon... I setup my myspace page tonight... Check it out... :)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Ernesto misses the area

Ernesto misses the area and the local creeks go back to normal...
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Friday, September 01, 2006

Little geeky Star Wars fun...

I always wondered what Chewy was upto these days....

Tropical Storm Ernesto is rolling through town...

Tropical Storm Ernesto is rolling through town and my local creek is starting to fill up... See how windy we get today...

Monday, August 21, 2006

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

its getting hot in here... 101 to be exact...

least thats what the car says it is, a hot one!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Star Trek Cribs

Scotty brings the power...

Monday, July 17, 2006

Hummer H2 Off Roading :: Sort of....

Video reminds me of a few off roading adventures out in Colorado & Utah I'd go on. When I would try this non-sense with the Ford Exploder... Luckily this never happened, must be a lemon H2...

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Las Vegas Bellagio Fountains

more fun with movie maker....

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Sunday, June 25, 2006

ADA Tour de Cure Fundraising

I wanted to send out a personal thank you for everyone's support and helping me raise $235 for the ADA. The Reston Tour de Cure raised more than $280,000 for diabetes research, education, and advocacy. This pictures was taken after I completed the 32 mile loop on the WO&D bike trail from Reston town center to Leesburg. It was a fun ride and look forward to next year's event June 10, 2007. I'd recommend any bike rider consider coming out next year.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Nationals Picnic in the Park - June 11, 2006

Last Sunday the National's had a picnic in the outfield after the Phillies game for the season ticket holders. It was quite the party with complimentary food and a gift hat with blanket. Plus the chance to lounge around in the outfield of a major league park. The players and manager were on hand for autographs and a question answer session. Below are the pictures I took with my camera phone.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Saturday, May 20, 2006

jeannie gets her new bicycle .::. part ii

It was another great day for cycling in northern Virginia today. It had been awhile since we've had a chance to get out and so we headed towards the Cross County Trail (CCT) in Oakton first. We found a nice section, but it turned into difficult dirt path. More of a mountain bike trail then a bicycle path.

We then headed over to the WO&D trail in Reston. It was smooth sailing going east, but coming back west, into the wind was challenging. Good to get out on the bikes again.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Skype :: Free calls within the US and Canada to all phones!

Interesting concept and a good way to save some molla. Skype calling is totally free. It's also free to call landlines and mobiles within the US and Canada until the end of the year! Of course I'm signed up, friends over at eBay bought the company and are promoting. Check it out & chat with me...

My Skype button with status... My status

Download Skype...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

test out blog on the go

Test out blog on the go and get this crazy pic off my phone... :)

Saturday, May 13, 2006

fairfax fair & run - june 9 - 11, 2006

the celebrate fairfax festival returns this june 9 -11, 2006 weekend. this year sugar ray, collective soul, sister hazel, and .38 special are the scheduled acts, right here in fairfax virginia! even the fair, with its rides & games aren't bad... i'm talking big phun, with a captial ph!!!

along side all this is a run scheduled, june 11th 8am. the 10th annual capital one celebrate children & youth 5K to benefit alternative house, the abused and homeless children's refuge. a 5k in and around the fairfax government center area.

hope everyone can make it out and enjoy the quality entertainment/fun in fairfax!!!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

My eBay about me page

For those who know me, they may not be too surprised to know that I enjoy eBay. Today I put up an eBay about me page. Sort of an introduction webpage on eBay. Below is a copy to introduce my eBay self to my blog.

funfax auctions
First, welcome to my eBay about me page and thanks for stopping by. I'm a hobbyist seller on eBay and enjoy helping new people learn about selling on eBay.

I'm a moderator for an eBay Moderated Selling Group > Small Selling Circle for First Timer Sellers. Everyone is more than welcome to join, ask questions, or seek answers to selling on eBay.

Also, I just started writing for the eBay guide as well. Click here to View my Reviews & Guides.

Lastly, I'm an eBay trading assistant, ready to help out with your eBay selling. Be sure to look over my trading assistant page.

Pictured below are some of the items I've sold (360 Xboxs & Budweiser inflatables).

Feel free to contact me about any other questions or comments. If you've found this page thru a listing and have a question about an item listed. Please don't hesitate to contact me about any questions you have.

I can also be reached thru eBay's new Skype: funfax_auctions.
Chat with me

Thanks again,

I am a Trading Assistant - I can sell items for you!

Xbox 360s
Budweiser inflatables

Sunday, April 30, 2006

nyc auto show .::. sky turbo .::. ac poker wkend

i just had to blog on this... we went upto the nyc auto show to check out the new saturn sky...

wait for it, turbo... :)

here's the dude who claims to be on the list... checking out the regular sky...

then we made it down to ac where i learned ppl really do hold onto a pair twos... no matter what the cost... & also to help d go crzy on her b day!!

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Saturday, April 08, 2006

final four in indy

Dad and I met up out in Indianapolis for the Men's basketball Final Four. We had fun watching the games and checking out what was going on in Indianapolis for the weekend.

The pictures of the stage are from downtown Indianapolis circle and Hooboastank was the first act we saw. The other picture is of Nick Lachay in town (sorry ladies I couldn't get a better shot).

The pictures of the Pontiac GTOs are from out at the Brickyard at Pontica's 'Grab the Keys' test drive. We got to test drive one of the cars, but it rained on us and we weren't able to finish test driving all the cars.

It was a fun weekend and we're putting in for next years games in Atlanta.