Saturday, May 20, 2006

jeannie gets her new bicycle .::. part ii

It was another great day for cycling in northern Virginia today. It had been awhile since we've had a chance to get out and so we headed towards the Cross County Trail (CCT) in Oakton first. We found a nice section, but it turned into difficult dirt path. More of a mountain bike trail then a bicycle path.

We then headed over to the WO&D trail in Reston. It was smooth sailing going east, but coming back west, into the wind was challenging. Good to get out on the bikes again.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Skype :: Free calls within the US and Canada to all phones!

Interesting concept and a good way to save some molla. Skype calling is totally free. It's also free to call landlines and mobiles within the US and Canada until the end of the year! Of course I'm signed up, friends over at eBay bought the company and are promoting. Check it out & chat with me...

My Skype button with status... My status

Download Skype...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

test out blog on the go

Test out blog on the go and get this crazy pic off my phone... :)

Saturday, May 13, 2006

fairfax fair & run - june 9 - 11, 2006

the celebrate fairfax festival returns this june 9 -11, 2006 weekend. this year sugar ray, collective soul, sister hazel, and .38 special are the scheduled acts, right here in fairfax virginia! even the fair, with its rides & games aren't bad... i'm talking big phun, with a captial ph!!!

along side all this is a run scheduled, june 11th 8am. the 10th annual capital one celebrate children & youth 5K to benefit alternative house, the abused and homeless children's refuge. a 5k in and around the fairfax government center area.

hope everyone can make it out and enjoy the quality entertainment/fun in fairfax!!!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

My eBay about me page

For those who know me, they may not be too surprised to know that I enjoy eBay. Today I put up an eBay about me page. Sort of an introduction webpage on eBay. Below is a copy to introduce my eBay self to my blog.

funfax auctions
First, welcome to my eBay about me page and thanks for stopping by. I'm a hobbyist seller on eBay and enjoy helping new people learn about selling on eBay.

I'm a moderator for an eBay Moderated Selling Group > Small Selling Circle for First Timer Sellers. Everyone is more than welcome to join, ask questions, or seek answers to selling on eBay.

Also, I just started writing for the eBay guide as well. Click here to View my Reviews & Guides.

Lastly, I'm an eBay trading assistant, ready to help out with your eBay selling. Be sure to look over my trading assistant page.

Pictured below are some of the items I've sold (360 Xboxs & Budweiser inflatables).

Feel free to contact me about any other questions or comments. If you've found this page thru a listing and have a question about an item listed. Please don't hesitate to contact me about any questions you have.

I can also be reached thru eBay's new Skype: funfax_auctions.
Chat with me

Thanks again,

I am a Trading Assistant - I can sell items for you!

Xbox 360s
Budweiser inflatables