Sunday, December 31, 2006

Snowshoe Mountain West Virginia

We made it out to Snowshoe Mountain to start stretching our ski legs. Snowshoe is a fun resort with plenty to do. The first picture was the view from our hotel room and the second is of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) in West Bank, West Virginia. The weather was a little warm and the holidays are always crowded anywhere. Looking forward to going back when Snowshoe is less crowded and has a little more snow :)

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Boxbe - Public Forwarding Email & Paid Access

Do you wish it was possible to post your email address to your blog or personal page without having to deal with all the spam that will sure to follow? Also, would you like to be paid by merchants to send you advertisements? Well this is Boxbe's goal with challenge response emails and pay to forward emails. I like the idea of having an email to hand out and be able to choose who I receive emails from. So try it out and maybe you'll make some $$$ along with it...

You can reach me at

Monday, December 18, 2006

Browns Ravens Game in Baltimore

I was able to check out the Cleveland Browns the other day against the Baltimore Ravens. Its been a couple years since I've been able to catch a Browns game. It only took a couple years to figure out I need to buy my tickets the summer before the season starts... Next time, see if we can get some seats a little closer to the action :)

Saturday, December 16, 2006

O to be an eBay Millionaire some day...

Well, not exactly millionaires at this yet... But, we keep trying... This Christmas season looks like the Wii is the big winner! Our Wii auction got over 854 on the visitor counter. The PS3, not so much :) Elmo was so so... Still fun to eBay and watch the auctions...

Saturday, December 02, 2006

My eBay PS3 Buy It Now

Jeannie and I were lucky to find a PS3 bundle for the holiday season. And yes, we have an eBay auction going for the bundle. Actually it was Jeannie's luck that got us the system. It is a cool setup with a blu-ray player, hard to give up for eBay... Maybe we'll pick one up later on, but for right know we're hooked on Xbox 360's Gears of War. Hopefully we can find a buyer for our eBay PS3 auction :)

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